Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Craig Factor

While working on some email follow ups today, I ended up doing a message related to the Heart, Soul and Personality of The Rainbow Haven Resort. Of course, that can only describe the ONE AND ONLY..........Craig Hicks.

Craig has been connected to Rainbow Haven for a number of years and has had the resilience to just keep doing his thing with a smile and a laugh and a helpful hand whenever and wherever needed.

I hope you enjoy some of the candid and crazy photo's I've accumulated this year!

AND OF COURSE......If you want to receive regular updates, special offers and "News From The Crew" Please subscribe using the form to the right of this page. (If you're looking at this on your phone and the subscribe form does not show up, switch to "Browser Mode"


That's our Man Craig.
Subscribe at the right to get more of this!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I've Been Doing it All Wrong

I wonder if I can get a refund on all my tackle?

A Great Topographical Map

Back when I fished "Serious"....... LOL or at least thought I did........ Wow, I'm already up to my eyebrows here. Okay, when I fished and really "Cared" about catching fish (As opposed to just fishing for the fun of floating around and relaxing on the water) I had lake maps for every place I fished. And I USED THEM TOO!

I had structure maps and topographical maps. They showed me more about what to look for on the surface than just about anything else. Serious fishermen and women will know what I mean. Recently I found a pretty good link to maps and here it is. Taneycomo Topographical Map. It's interactive so you can zoom in and around on it to check out any spots you may want to try when you are at "The Haven". Remember we have a public boat ramp right at our parking lot, a covered dock for your boat. Boat rentals if you don't have a boat or don't want to bring yours and boat gas right on the end of the dock.

We are pretty much located mid-way between Table Rock Dam and Powersite Dam so it's less than 15 minutes to any place on the lake. (depending on boat speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, moon phase, day of the week, what you had for lunch, whether your coffee thermos has black coffee or if it has cream, water clarity............) See, I told you I was once a serious fisherman!

Don't forget to subscribe to our news and updates to and updates......AND be eligible to win FREE STUFF. subscriber forms are to the right of this article.

In the Meantime..........

See You at the DOCK!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hanging Your Hat at "The Haven"

The summer of 2016 was busy, busy at Rainbow Haven. In fact, Craig commented to me that he'd never seen such a summer. With the last big Summer Holiday almost upon us, I've been reflecting back on the Spring and Summer. We've made amazing progress since the end of March when we joined with Craig and began the rebuilding process from last December and the devastating flood. Many of the goals are left undone but the important stuff got back on track.........mostly!

We decided to not bring the two lower level units back. They had a reputation for flooding when the lake came up. Not the kind of epic flooding like December, but enough to make clean up and repair an issue more often that we would like. (Here are some amazing pictures of the flood)

In their place, we've begun the transformation of the old unit 8 over to a guest laundry, as of yet, incomplete. We planned a bait and tackle shop for the old office. Again, too many other priorities for us to even think about that. We bought several Kayaks to extend the guest experience. That's been okay but not really what we had expected. On a bright note, we did commit to buying two new pontoon boats and that has definitely been a big hit.

I suppose the big challenge lies ahead of us after Labor Day comes and goes. When the bank worked out the terms for transferring the property, they also seized the insurance settlement funds from the flood (which was significant). This left the rebuilding process to us to just work out however we could. We pitched in, Craig pitched in and everyone did double time all summer. We never could have made it without our faithful guests and for that we are all VERY grateful!

Thanks for making this a great summer and as we work our way through the Fall and Winter, we hope that you will consider hanging your hat at the Haven any time you plan to visit Rockaway or the Branson area during the fall, Christmas or winter season.

Nearby FUN!

Rainbow Haven Resort and Cross Timbers Cabins is located in Rockaway Beach, MO which is perfect for those quiet get away's. Time spent at the pool, fishing or boating on Lake Taneycomo. While we are known for the slow, laid back life, we are literally just minutes away from ALL KINDS of other FUN STUFF! Much of it has been around for decades, Some of it....has JUST ARRIVED! One new attraction is the Runaway Mountain Coaster located on Hwy 165 between Hwy 76 and Table Rock Dam.

Another new attraction this year is the Farris Wheel located right on Hwy 76. Dis-assembled and moved from the Navy Pier amusement park in Chicago, the Farris wheel becomes a spectacular night time light show, not to mention the great views of Branson from atop the wheel.  
Our office carries discount tickets to many shows and attractions and it's all within minutes of your quiet Get-Away at Rainbow Haven


See You at the Dock!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Cajun Rainbow Trout

Serves 4
Here's a quick recipe for those who don't like any fishiness in their seafood. The sweet, delicate taste of trout is complemented well by Cajun spice for a healthy, flavorful entrée. Enjoy it with a sliced tomato salad and a fresh baguette with sweet cream butter
  • 4 (6-ounce) farm-raised (Fresh Caught Taneycomo) rainbow trout fillets (1/2-inch thick)
  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning*
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • Lemon wedges
Preheat broiler (or Gas Grill). Pat fillets dry and lightly brush both sides with oil. Sprinkle both sides evenly with Cajun seasoning. Place skin side down on broiler rack. Broil 4-6 inches from heat for 4-5 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Arrange on a warmed serving platter and sprinkle with parsley and chopped green onion. Serve with lemon wedges.

* To make your own Cajun seasoning combine 1 tablespoon paprika, 2 teaspoons sea salt, 1½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper and a pinch of cayenne pepper with 1 teaspoon each dried oregano, chili powder and dry mustard.
If this don't make you hungry......
See You at the Dock!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

When Do You Drive A Boat Backwards?


I really do regret not having a picture of this, and Craig was slightly afraid to take one, even though he wishes he had now.

So how this went, was about mid spring of 2016 we were scrambling to get EVERYTHING fixed and working around Rainbow Haven. Some things were going right and others........not so much. Guests were already making reservations and there were rooms to get cleaned, gas tanks to get set back where they belonged. 230 some odd inspections and certifications due, and BOATS! Boats that all needed fixed! Not some....ALL!

While everyone else busied themselves with the rooms, the pool, the grass, the cleaning........... I chose to deal with the boats.

They say that a boat is nothing more than a big hole in the water you throw money into......Yep!

Anyway, my job was to fish the dead ones out of the water and haul them to the repairman and back again when fixed. (sometimes this was a multiple trip kind of thing!) Our first one went pretty well with only two visits to the Boat Doc! HAH....Get it? Boat Doc!  Anyway, the second one was absolutely defiant! On the first, post repair run up the lake it decided to try to shake itself to pieces about a mile and a half from home.

After the smoke cleared and we tried starting it again, we discovered that it worked just fine.....In reverse only! So driving in reverse all the way back we became the dinner and show on the lake, minus the dinner part. The same people that watched us speed up the lake moments earlier were now entertained by us backing up along the same route.

Back at shore, Craig saw us coming and said later that it looked like some kind of cartoon playing in reverse. I told him it was some kind of cartoon playing in reverse.

After the first $800 and then the follow up $1,500, we finally tamed and conquered the boat with the backward attitude.

In all seriousness though, the boats are actually in remarkably good shape now. We have 2 Brand New Pontoon Boats, 2 repaired and running good utility bass boats, another bass boat at the shop and several new kayaks now for the enjoyment of our guests.

Sometimes it gets done with skill and finesse, sometimes with brute strength and awkwardness. But it gets done. When you're visiting "The Haven" make sure to take one of our boats for a ride. We guarantee they are all saddle broke and tame now!

Learn more at our Boat Page!

See You at the Dock! (not the Doc! HAH, I crack myself up!)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Huck and Tom on a Search and Rescue!

So yesterday, we had some local friends stop by "The Haven" to take a quick ride on the paddle boat. Since most of the time it just sits there tied to the dock, we are happy to let the occasional adventure seeker take a run out into the lake with it. Today, however we went to the dock and...........................NO PADDLE BOAT!

Did it come loose and simply drift off? That could have been bad! Did it just decide to head off on it's own to parts unknown? That didn't seem likely! Did it get stolen? Maybe........but come to think of it, stolen was the best scenario!

If you've ever peddled a paddle boat you will understand!

With a light rain beginning to fall, Craig suggested "You should take the boat and go look for it!" Smart guy! But, since I had planned to run around in the boat anyway, no problem. Whether it drifted or was hijacked, downstream seemed the most logical. Just past the island, I spotted it in another dock. Yep...Hijacked! While probably only 200 yards downstream, it probably took the perpetrators 3 hours to get there.

The lake level was low this day and fighting through the weeds near this dock was proving to be difficult. I returned to home base to get Craig to help. It was only then did I realize the depth of his shiftiness! While I was out searching in the rain for our stray, he went up to the house to take a nap!

Ever eager to lend a hand though, he jumped in and we headed out to complete the "rescue" part of our search and rescue. As he later put it in a facebook post....

 "So there we are, two grown men in their 50´s, playing in the rain, on a boat, wrangling a runaway.

50´s or not the smiles we wore most of the day said "12 years old".

This place brings out the Tom and Huck in all of us.

Come play with us!"

(P.S. I'm pleased to report the operation to save the Haven's only remaining paddle boat was successful. Yeah!)
I guess life could be a lot worse.  

Come and see us. Visit our website at

Call for reservations at 417-561-4179

Sunday, April 17, 2016

10 Tips for the Beginner Kayak Fisherman (part 3)

This article was written by Darrell Olson and re-published with permission.
Darrell writes for

9.  Kayak Fish Handling: Releasing your fish is a great way to handle them. If you do keep a few, practice conservation and only harvest the amount of fish that you will need for dinner. If you do release a fish, it should be given every chance to survive. Take any extra time required to fully resuscitate the fish before releasing them. You will need to keep water moving over their gills in order to transfer enough oxygen to their bloodstream.
Once you have whipped a fish you intend to keep, you will need to store it somewhere. Smaller fish can be stored in a cooler with ice; you might consider a fish bag with ice for a medium fish that will not fit in a cooler. Wrap large fish in towels or netting and strap it to the deck of your kayak. It is a good idea to carry a burlap bag to keep the fish wet and to control fish slime.
A fish stringer could also be an option, but if you are fishing in brackish or salt water a stringer could be a bad choice. You could be presenting a temptation to sharks, especially if your catch is bleeding. In freshwater in the southern states, this could also be a temptation to an alligator. If you choose this option, make you have a quick-release attachment so you can separate yourself from your catch if the sharks or alligators decide they want it more than you do.

10.  Kayak Fishing Safety: This article is not intended to be the last word or authority on kayak angling safety. No amount of information can prepare you for all possibilities. Be careful out there. Always fish with a buddy & let someone know where you’re going.

Weather: Weather should always be checked and taken into account. The two most common and violent causes for storm activity are frontal conditions and summer thunderstorm activity.

Wind: Wind means rough water, which creates a potential for overturning. Kayaks can take quite a bit of rough water, especially when paddled by an experienced kayaker. The key is not to allow the waves to catch you broadside. If a big wave hits you broadside, it can turn you over. You want to keep the bow or stern directed at an angle to the waves. You want to be wearing a personal flotation device (PFD) with a whistle attached. The most important thing is not to panic. Stay with your kayak, even if you are unable to reboard.
When the weather has any chance of getting ugly, do not commit yourself to paddle large expanses of deep open water.

Lightning: If you are on the water when a storm is coming and you hear a faint vibrating or buzzing sound coming from your fishing rods, get off the water. This usually indicates that the ions in the air are highly charged, and lightening could strike at any time. While paddling toward shore, lower your rods from the upright position so they don’t act as lightning rods. Once on shore, stay low and reduce your contact with the ground (e.g. by getting into your car).

Fog: It’s easy to get lost when you can’t see, and these conditions can leave you open to the threat of being struck by a larger boat. It is best to stay off larger waters where motorized craft travel when it’s foggy and visibility is poor. It is also a good idea to stay close contact with the shoreline to prevent getting disoriented and traveling in circles. When paddling on larger bodies of water, you should have a compass or a GPS onboard.

Exposure to the elements: Hypothermia is a threat any time you’re on the water. The weather does not have to be freezing. It just has to be significantly lower than your body temperature for an extended period of time. If you’re wet and windy conditions, your body temperature can drop without you realizing the danger. Be sure to dress appropriately – plan to get wet.
In warm weather, a kayakercan become overheated and suffer exhaustion or heat stroke. If this happens, cool down. You should always have plenty of water to drink onboard. Overexposure to the sun’s rays can result in a painful case of sunburn. Long term neglect can lead to skin cancer. Sunscreen or good SPF-rated clothing are your best friends You may be tempted to wear your bathing suit, but make sure you have a hat, good sunglasses, and the right clothing on board.

Hooks, fins, and teeth: With such a low profile on the water, a kayak gets an angler closer to the prey
than any other watercraft. With fish fighting for their lives, some extreme behavior is displayed. Fish with mouths full of sharp teeth or barbed trebled hooks can launch into aerial displays with wild head shaking attempts to throw the hooks right back you. It is a good idea to restrict the use of treble hooks, or crimp your barbs so the hook is easier to remove from your skin. Use caution when handling fish at the end of a fight. Many fish have sharp teeth as well as sharp or spiny areas.

Scary critters: Aside from the fish that you pick a fight with, there are some other threats - real and imagined. Alligators are rarely a serious threat in daylight, however they become bolder at night. Sharks are probably more of a threat in your imagination than they are in reality - unless, of course, you hook one, pull it up to your kayak, and face the consequences. If you do not want incidents with sharks, be careful of creating any blood trails in the water, do not drag any fish on a stringer, and if you are fighting a fish on your line when a shark suddenly attacks it, let him have all of it. Sit quietly until he’s gone.

In rivers or areas with low-hanging branches snakes can be an issue. Sometimes they will drop and land into a boat. Try not to panic. Get the snake out of the boat as quickly as possible, and try to keep from capsizing. Watch for overhanging limbs when kayaking. If you come across a swimming moccasin, paddle quickly in reverse and assume that the snake will aggressively defend its territory.
The most frightening and dangerous creatures to a kayak are powerboats. Try & avoid the boating channels and high-traffic areas. The biggest threat is being run over by one. Consider a brightly-colored kayak to lessen the chance of not being noticed. If you are paddling in rolling waves where you are intermittently hidden, you should display a bright flag high above your kayak. Night paddling involves an even greater threat from boaters. You will need to carry a bright light to get their attention.

A minimum list of safety equipment: PFD with whistle attached, safety belt (attaches to bow line), drinking water, paddle leash, first aid kit, sun block, and a raised visibility flag. For longer trips that are farther from civilization I would suggest a flare, compass, GPS, VHF radio/cell phone, flashlight, and anchor.

I hope these ten tips are helpful to get you starting in kayak angling!

Read Part 1 HERE

Read Part 2 HERE 

10 Tips for the Beginner Kayak Fisherman (part 2)

This article was written by Darrell Olson and re-published with permission.
Darrell writes for

5.  Customize your Kayak: Whether you have an old kayak or are purchasing a new boat, you will want to customize it. Some of the most important aspects of a fish-friendly kayak are a comfortable backrest, rod holders, a paddle leash, paddle holder/clip, an anchor, a cooler, and storage. The challenge in customizing your kayak is putting everything you need within reach while on the water. You will have to determine potential attachment sites. Identify storage areas for tackle, gear and miscellaneous gear. Kayak anglers need to travel light, and you should plan for versatility and maximum storage.

6.  Transporting Your Kayak: In most cases one of the greatest things about a kayak is that it doesn’t need to be trailored. Big foam noodles make an inexpensive & easy way to cushion your kayak. Most noodles have a hole bored through the center that you can use to insert a nylon tie. Commercial foam car top carriers with more foam are available. Vans and pickup trucks are the most convenient ways of transporting your kayak. Another mode of transportation is via a “mothership”. A rigged kayak, ready to fish and strapped to the deck of a larger boat, is a great way to get to distant water.

Most kayaks are light enough for two people to carry. A cart helps if you have to carry your kayak a distance or if it is too heavy. A couple of wheels can turn your kayak into a wagon that can carry all of your gear. If you encounter soft sand, mud, or rough terrain you may need a cart with all-terrain wheels. Commercial kayak carts are available but usually expensive. A cheaper alternative is to make your own. has several designs of DIY kayak carts.

7.  Kayak Angling Skills and Techniques: These skills range from handling the kayak, paddles, anchors, and other kayak equipment, to how well you access and handle your fishing equipment, especially when varying environmental conditions and opportunistic situations are presented.

Boat positioning: Always have your paddle lying at-the-ready in your lap. Kayak anglers are on the move, casting repeatedly to targets and often changing direction or adjusting position while fishing. You should practice using the paddle with one hand while holding the rod in the other hand.

Drifting Techniques: Generally speaking, you can locate more fish by kayak while drifting. You can control the direction of your drift very easily with a minimum of paddling. Your kayak will never stay pointed directly downwind - it will vary to some degree. You simply change orientation from port (left) to starboard (right) or back again by one backward thrust of the paddle on either side of the kayak.

Fishing Upwind: One the most difficult kayak fishing situations is when you need to travel and cast artificial up current or upwind. The stronger the wind or current, the less efficient the paddler becomes. You can paddle onto matted vegetation if the wind is not too strong. It will hold you in place while you cast before paddling further upwind or current to the next clump of vegetation. A shoreline bank can be used by partially grounding the bow of the kayak as you advance. An anchor or a stick-it pin attached to an anchor trolley will keep you facing your target and your direction of travel.

Sight Fishing: Sight fishing is traditionally done from a raised platform. The low position of a kayak makes it difficult to see below the surface. However, the low perspective that takes away from underwater visibility exaggerates other visible cues to the presence of fish. “Nervous water” appears much more obvious when sitting low. It can be caused by a single fish or a large school. Sometimes fins and tails become visible over deep water as schools of fish often travel and sometimes even appear to sleep or rest at the surface. Tails are more commonly spotted in shallow water, where “tailing” behavior occurs where various species of fish feed on the bottom in water so shallow that their tails stick out of the water. Some anglers want the advantages of fishing from a kayak, but refuse to give up their traditional sight fishing methods where they stand to spot fish. Standing in a kayak is not a mainstream skill. Only the most stable kayaks will allow it.

8.  Fighting Fish from a Kayak: A kayak is a backup drag system for your reel. Even a strong 4 or 5 lb fish can tow your kayak around. If your drag is too tight or your reactions are too slow, the fish will still have a difficult time breaking the line in open water environments. If your tackle is very light, you may need to increase line capacity to allow for longer runs. In open water, a 6 lb test line spinning outfit should have about 250 yards of line or more. On a 10 lb test outfit, 200 yards should be just fine. A baitcasting outfit with a medium to heavy action 7 to 7 ½ foot rod and w 20 lb test line should be about 200 yards of line. [There are many different combinations of rod, reel, and line in use for different species and conditions – yours may vary. –Ed.] The 20 lb line will allow you to be towed in your kayak for hours without breaking. Unless you are planning to go offshore to fish for marlin, swordfish, or bluefin tuna, these three outfits will handle just about anything you are willing to bring next to your kayak - including some hefty inshore sharks and tarpon.

End of Part 2

10 Tips for the Beginner Kayak Fisherman (part 1)

This article was written by Darrell Olson and re-published with permission.
Darrell writes for

Why is kayak fishing such a big deal? It is exciting, inexpensive, simple, and healthy sport where you set your own pace and also catch great fish. Kayak fishing is considered a frontier sport since it is still in the early developmental stages. That means there is not much information available. Here are some suggestions to help the beginner YakAngler.

1.  Consult a Kayak Fishing Expert: “Expert” is a relative term. Many of the serious kayak anglers have been at this sport for three to four years. They usually do not consider themselves experts, but they are a gold mine to the inexperienced.
Other sources for kayak anglers are the various web sites and forums that are available. and have experts on hand to assist new kayak anglers to get started.
Consider your local paddle shop. They can provide insight into kayak selection and paddling techniques.

2.  Where to Kayak Fish: Kayaks are very versatile; there is no limit of places to fish. Your choices will depend on paddling distance, time frame, and/or ability. Kayaking is great exercise and age is rarely a barrier to the sport.
Fishing smarter will catch more fish than fishing harder and paddling farther. Good planning can make up for lack of paddling ability or time available. Use a map like Google Earth when planning to fish areas that you do not know well. Choose a circular route that will give you more fishing opportunities.

3.  Develop Multiple Species Versatility: Learn the positive and negative influences on the fish in your area. Consider the weather, moon phases, season of the species and the environment. Keep a log of some type. Use this log to develop a strategy that will give you a more successful fishing trip. On the other hand, kayak fishing is fun even without the catching.

4.  Kayak Selection: Before looking into purchasing a kayak consider these questions: Where are you likely to fish? Freshwater or saltwater? Ponds, larger lakes or big rivers? Bays or launching in the surf? What are your target fish? Will it be big game or bluegills? Will you be fly fishing? Or perhaps you will do all of the above. Some of the more important considerations are: stability, comfortable seating, storage compartments, and how you will transport the kayak. Most kayak stores will let you demo or rent the kayaks you are interested in. Take advantage of any kayak festivals or shows within driving distance. You’ll be able to see & demo lots of different kayaks, and will also have the benefit of talking to the manufacturer’s reps.

End of Part 1

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Kayak's are Coming!

SO, I've been out Kayak shopping today and and thought I'd whet your appetite for an up and coming sport that is PERFECT for the flat calm waters of Taneycomo. Yes, Lake Taneycomo, that is just a few feet away from your front door when you are staying at Rainbow Haven Resort and Marina!

 We will be bringing kayaks for fishing, fun and paddling pleasure to Rainbow Haven Resort in a few weeks. Make sure to contact us ahead of time to reserve one when you visit!

Subscribe to our newsletter and updates to the right side of this page!


See You At The Dock!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

A New "Rainbow Haven" Beginning

DON'T PANIC...........The Rainbow Haven Resort and Marina did not flood again!

These are some pictures from last December during the big Christmas Flood on Lake Taneycomo. As of today, Easter Sunday, 2016 (How appropriate for a "new resurrection") Rainbow Haven Resort is just hours away from the next  installment of it's journey! The flood took it's shot and scored a "Knock Down" but not a "Knock Out". While the lower level of the two lake front buildings were 5 feet deep in Lake Taneycomo, The upper levels remained high and dry.

At the time, no one knew exactly what the outcome would be. With the office gone and the two lower units heavily damaged, Craig and his helpers did what they could while waiting for any word on insurance compensation. This came slowly and was held up for various reasons. Unfortunately there are still resorts on Taneycomo that have had the process delayed and have not been able to begin to rebuild.

This is not the case with Rainbow Haven. Just one short month ago, (mid February) a meeting was set between the bank that also included a cooperative response from the insurance company along with Craig, myself and Shelley to find a solution. Time was running out and the solution that we arrived at was epic both in timing, and in creating a positive momentum going forward. Our biggest concern was that Craig was willing to stay on as the all important face and personality of Rainbow Haven. Those of you who know him also know how important he is to the  vitality of the resort. We feel totally blessed and honored to have him continue at the helm of this resort that he loves so much!

Since the countdown began to the transition, Craig has been a "Monster" at getting things ready again. Thanks to the helpful hands of some local Rockaway citizens for the initial clean up and other friends and family along the way, everything is completely back to normal with the exception of the lower level units...................BUT WAIT!!!!!!!

We have good news on that front as well!

Our role in the "new" Rainbow Haven is to bring a few additional elements to the business. In looking at ways to mitigate future issues with flooding, we have decided to change the use of the lower units to something less susceptible to future flooding problems. In the process, we will add new amenities to the property that will enhance the guest experience.

We will be moving the office from the lower level to the big entry area with the large deck overlooking the resort and lake. In it's place we are building a live bait and tackle shop that will serve our guests as well as fishermen launching their boats at the nearby ramp.

We will be using the unit immediately next to the bait and tackle shop as storage for canoes and kayaks that we will be bringing in to the resort almost immediately. This will add an extra opportunity for recreation and a unique fishing experience for those who would like to paddle their way around the lake and into the Bull Creek area.

Finally, we will be adding a small guest laundry area to where unit 8 is now. We will loose 2 lodging units, but will gain some amenities that we believe will improve the guest experience..............BUT WAIT........There's more!

Even though we will be losing 2 lodging units, we are please to let you know that Rainbow Haven is now part of a small family of resorts in Rockaway Beach. We have more cabins just one and two blocks away at Cross Timbers Cabins and The Fisherman's Hide-Out that will increase our cabin capacity by 7 more units with more to come later this summer. Cross Timbers is a little more "up-scale and suited to larger families or groups. The Fisherman's Hide-Out is basic cabins for those who just need a nice and clean space to eat, sleep, get cleaned up, watch some TV and then get back to outdoor fun.

Our other cabins include a three bedroom cabin that sleeps up to 10 with a full kitchen (including dish washer!), 2 bathrooms, laundry room and private fenced yard. We also have a romantic "get-away" cabin with a Jacuzzi tub for 2, as well as cabins that sleep between 4 and 6, some with full kitchens and some with kitchenettes. There's also one of the biggest swimming pools (maybe the biggest) in town.  You will not have a problem finding just the right place to get what you are looking for.

Rainbow Haven is NOT DEAD! In fact we are back and becoming better than ever with more to offer and more to do!

CALL NOW To secure your vacation days. Craig will be taking your calls and can get you set up in any cabin you would like. We look forward to a fun and busy Spring, Summer and Fall season this year and we hope to see you here!

On behalf of myself, Shelley and Craig.........

We'll See You At The Dock!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Legacy Lives On

Here is the 2nd half of the article published in the Missouri Conservationist about Lake Taneycomo. The first half ended with  how in the 70's and 80's trout fishing quadrupled on Lake Taneycomo. (See the first half here)

By then, the Branson boom had begun. Development claimed more and more of the landscape, and sediment entered the lake during rainstorms. In addition, white suckers suddenly became common in the lake and outnumbered trout in some surveys. In addition, the cold water from Table Rock Lake contained low levels of dissolved oxygen in the fall, stressing both fish and their food sources. Two things were certain: the big rainbow trout were gone, and freshwater shrimp were not as numerous as before.

By the early 1990s, the once-great Taneycomo trout fishery had fallen on relatively hard times. Anglers who wanted something more than stocker-size rainbow trout demanded that something be done to bring back the big rainbows. Their demands were partially met by a new brown trout fishery that produced enormous, even world-record size, brown trout. However, brown trout are harder to catch, and a few behemoth browns didn't satisfy anglers who remembered the glory years when rainbows were measured in pounds, not inches.

The Missouri Department of Conservation developed several research studies to determine what caused the decline of the big rainbows. Some of the studies suggested there simply wasn't enough food in Lake Taneycomo to grow large rainbow trout. Clearly, the lake's freshwater shrimp population had declined. Other studies showed that Taneycomo was still capable of growing rainbows, but few fish lived longer than a month before being caught and removed.
Gradually, a picture emerged of a fishery that could still produce large fish, but not without some changes. First, because there was less trout food, fewer trout could be stocked. Reduced stocking levels helped the freshwater shrimp population recover slightly. Still, rainbow trout harvest remained high, and while trout now had more to eat, most were harvested before they could grow large.
It became obvious that the rainbows needed protection from immediate harvest. So, beginning in March 1997, the Conservation Department established new fishing regulations in the upper part of the lake. These regulations were designed to protect some of the rainbows and allow them to grow larger. Fishing pressure is heavy in upper Lake Taneycomo, and the trout there needed more protection.

Studies show a trout is about five times more likely to die if caught and released on natural or prepared baits than one caught on artificial lures or flies. Because the new rules require anglers to release most of the trout they catch, it was necessary to limit fishing tackle in the upper lake to artificial lures and flies only. The new rules protected many of the rainbows from harvest and minimized losses of released fish to hooking mortality.

The new fishing regulations created an almost immediate improvement in the fishery. Before the rule change, fewer than 10 percent of the rainbow trout in the upper part of the lake exceeded 13 inches. Only five months after the regulation change, the percentage jumped to 30 percent.
In a little more than two years, there was also a ten-fold increase in the number of rainbows in the upper lake. More than half were longer than 13 inches, and 10 percent exceeded 16 inches. Bigger rainbows are back, and with one- to three-pound fish being caught daily, anglers are recalling memories of the glory days

Taneycomo still has some problems. Branson continues to grow, white suckers are still abundant, and water from Table Rock Lake still has low oxygen levels during late summer and fall. The Conservation Department is working with other agencies to protect the lake and its fishing, and to determine if it's possible to make changes in the operation of Table Rock Dam that would help the fishery.

Not everyone who fishes Lake Taneycomo is interested in catching a trophy. Many simply want to catch a few trout to eat, and the Conservation Department has devoted considerable effort to helping anglers who choose not to fish in the special regulations area of the upper lake. Below the mouth of Fall Creek, for example, the Department heavily stocks rainbow trout. Anglers may keep any trout they catch up to the daily limit of five, regardless of size, and they may fish with any kind of bait, lure or fly. In addition, the Department has built a new access facility at Cooper Creek, and improved the access facilities in Forsyth and Rockaway Beach. These areas bring the thrill of fighting a rainbow trout to more anglers by increasing bank fishing opportunities, making boat access easier and easing access for disabled anglers.

The saga of Lake Taneycomo continues, providing plenty of grist for new stories of how the fishing in this unusual cold-water lake promises to get better and better.

Rockaway Beach is situated nearly in the middle of Lake Taneycomo with about the same distance to either dam both upstream and down. I was witness just a few days ago to a trout tournament hosted by a group of St.Louis area anglers who had no trouble at all bringing in a nice catch of Rainbows and browns. 

Make your reservations at Rainbow Haven by calling: 918-361- 6415

We also offer luxury cabins at located 2 blocks away (or call 417-234-4394)

Make sure to Subscribe to our Newsletter using the form on the right side of the page. You never know when we will give away a free night at a cabin or a free boat rental. But you must be subscribed to be eligible!

See You At The Dock!

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Lake Taneycomo Legacy

Recently, I ran across an article in the Missouri Conservationist that provided some fascinating information on our Lake Taneycomo.  I will re-post this article in a couple of segments. I hope you find it interesting. (My edits have all been Italicized)

For over 50 years, many stories have appeared about Lake Taneycomo, Missouri's largest trout fishery. Its transition from a warm-water lake containing bass and catfish to a cold-water lake full of big rainbow trout made big news. As growth of the Branson area surrounded the lake with theaters and condominiums and brought more and more anglers, the press predicted Taneycomo's decline as an important fishery.

What a pleasant surprise then, to find that Taneycomo has met all those challenges and still is considered one of the nation's best fishing destinations. In fact, Taneycomo's trout are getting larger, not smaller, and a successful new management program is improving fishing for everyone.
Lake Taneycomo's story began in 1913. With the construction of Ozark Beach Dam at Powersite on the White River, Taneycomo became the first in a chain of four reservoirs that includes Bull Shoals, Table Rock and Beaver lakes.

For the first 38 years of Lake Taneycomo's existence, native sport fish of the White River basin sustained a popular fishery that helped create one of Missouri's first tourist areas on the shores of Rockaway Beach. (Home of Rainbow Haven Resort and Marina) A new chapter began in 1958, when Table Rock Dam was built immediately upstream.

Until then, Taneycomo was basically just a wide spot in the slow, meandering White River. After Table Rock Dam was built, Lake Taneycomo was fed by water that came from 160 feet below the surface of Table Rock Lake. The water was cold year-round and was unsuitable for most of the White River's warm-water fish. Their populations declined, as did the popular fishery they supported.
A rainbow often follows a storm, offering hope and promise for the future. In this case, hope came in the form of rainbow trout! Native to the streams of the West Coast, rainbow trout were well suited to the chilly waters that now filled Lake Taneycomo.

Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery was constructed to compensate for the loss of the native warm-water fishery that had existed before the dam was built. The hatchery provided a reliable supply of trout for stocking. Amphipods (known to anglers as freshwater shrimp) gathered from Ozark spring branches and stocked along with the trout, flourished in the cold waters. The result was fat, fast-growing trout to fuel a trophy rainbow fishery.

In the "glory years," light fishing pressure allowed many of the stocked trout to grow large. By 1969, stringers of 3- to 5-pound trout were not unusual. Outdoor writers called Lake Taneycomo the best trophy rainbow trout lake in North America.

As Taneycomo's fame grew, so did the number of anglers pursuing its big rainbows. A voluntary length limit encouraged anglers to limit their harvest to protect the big fish. It seemed to work for awhile, but eventually there were just too many anglers. Fishing pressure quadrupled from 1970 to 1990, requiring a steady increase in the number of trout stocked.

This article will be continued in the next posting. Until then, we have found Lake Taneycomo to be a wonderful place to fish for not only rainbow trout but brown trout as well. Even with the cold water of the main channel. I've also discovered that Springtime Crappies are abundant in the lake in addition to summertime Bass.

I encourage you to add Lake Taneycomo to your list of special places to visit. Make sure you set aside some time to go on a "Rainbow Hunt" of your own while you're here!

Make your reservations at Rainbow Haven by calling: 918-361- 6415

We also offer luxury cabins at located 2 blocks away (or call 417-234-4394)

Make sure to Subscribe to our Newsletter using the form on the right side of the page. You never know when we will give away a free night at a cabin or a free boat rental. But you must be subscribed to be eligible!

See You At The Dock!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Grilled Trout

With Lake Taneycomo being one of the premier Rainbow Trout lakes in the mid-west, it is just natural for us to give you some of the best recipe's we can find for cooking and more importantly, EATING them.

This easy grilled trout recipe features fantastic flavor from fresh rainbow trout, salt, pepper, sugar, fresh dill, and lime slices.  Grill the fish over direct heat for a few minutes to get a good sear and those gorgeous grill marks, then transfer to indirect heat until done.


1 tablespoon fine sea salt
2 teaspoons sugar
4 (7-ounce) dressed rainbow trout
Cooking spray
1/4 teaspoon table salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 (1-ounce) bunches dill sprigs
2 medium limes, each thinly sliced


1. Combine 2 cups water, sea salt, and sugar in a shallow dish; add fish. Let stand 20 minutes. Drain.
2. Prepare charcoal fire in a chimney starter; let coals burn until flames die down. Pour hot coals out of starter; pile on one side of grill. Coat grill grate with cooking spray; put grate in place over coals.
3. Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper over fish flesh. Divide dill and lime slices evenly among fish cavities. Coat outside of fish with cooking spray. Place fish over direct heat; grill 4 minutes. Turn over; move to indirect heat. Grill 12 minutes or until done.

Grab the ingredients on your way to town. Get out on the lake and get some trout. Back to our "Beach Side Barbecue! And grill them up!

Call Craig for reservations at:417-561-4179

Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter on the right side of this page

Monday, March 14, 2016

Welcome to Rainbow Haven

Tonight I am writing from the living room of a big 5th wheel camper as we are watching an early Spring unfold in our part of the world. My wife Shelley and I have been good friends with Craig Hicks at Rainbow Haven Resort and Marina from the time he arrived in town. Our town is Rockaway Beach, Missouri. A little lakefront community that is literally right on Lake Taneycomo near the resort mecca of Branson MO. I'd like to share a short story of a friendship that has evolved to a business transaction that will change the landscape of the resort community for the coming years.

Craig contacted me recently and asked our advice on circumstance developing at his beloved resort. Due to an illness and other events, he was facing the difficult decision of keeping business going or selling. An unfortunate flood on Christmas day 2015 was pretty much the last straw. It had destroyed his office and contents as well as the two lower lake level lodging units.

Through a series of interesting events, it appeared that it would make sense to purchase the property. The only condition that we had was that Craig was willing to stay and continue at the helm of the resort and marina. In addition to overseeing the Rainbow Haven, Craig will be the local face for our other cabins in Rockaway Beach.

So please allow me to introduce the new and revised Rainbow Haven Resort and Marina (2016 edition). Craig is still there and will remain there until a time of his choosing. At least a year, and we hope much longer. Even though the lower level office and two units were destroyed in the flood, we are planning to replace those spaces with a full service live bait and tackle shop. A storage for the new kayaks and canoes we will be bringing in for our guests. And finally a coin operated laundry facility in the remaining lower level unit. This still leaves 7 lodging units of various sizes in addition to 13 more cabins in our rental inventory all within 2 blocks of Rainbow Haven. One final upgrade is that we intend to open the marina with at least two more new Pontoon boats and a rehabbed fleet of existing pontoons and fishing boats.

The Rainbow Haven is Back and we are already taking reservations for the weekend beginning on March 18th. And just to make matters "worse or better" depending on your perspective, this was caught just last weekend right out in front of the "Haven"!

Beginning right now, you can subscribe to our fishing, cabin and resort/marina updates right on this page. We promise to keep your appetite for fishing and just getting away on the front burner. LOL, please forgive us for that!

You can call Craig at: 918-361-6415 to make your reservations