Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Craig Factor

While working on some email follow ups today, I ended up doing a message related to the Heart, Soul and Personality of The Rainbow Haven Resort. Of course, that can only describe the ONE AND ONLY..........Craig Hicks.

Craig has been connected to Rainbow Haven for a number of years and has had the resilience to just keep doing his thing with a smile and a laugh and a helpful hand whenever and wherever needed.

I hope you enjoy some of the candid and crazy photo's I've accumulated this year!

AND OF COURSE......If you want to receive regular updates, special offers and "News From The Crew" Please subscribe using the form to the right of this page. (If you're looking at this on your phone and the subscribe form does not show up, switch to "Browser Mode"


That's our Man Craig.
Subscribe at the right to get more of this!

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