Saturday, September 29, 2018

Reflections of Summer 2018

Today I realized that it has been over a year since I last posted any resort updates. I suppose it's the convenience of Facebook that is the culprit. It makes it easy to get pictures and postings out but typically lacks in depth and substance. Now that we are officially into the fall season and it's only a couple days until October, the Camp Coffee routine is upon us. This started last Fall when the Bald Eagles began making their presence known every morning as they fished for their breakfast. It was a Saturday and Sunday morning tradition through cool months while guests were still enjoying weekends at the lake.

A New Identity

Last winter seemed longer and colder than I care for but we were able to use the time to do some work around Rainbow Haven Resort. We had taken a cruise in December where I had time to think about the identity of our resort businesses. My "one man brainstorms" on the cruise brought me to a couple of conclusions. The first was that our collection of resorts needed a central identity rather than just be presented as a random collection of different experiences. That brought us to establishing the "Base Camp Resort and Cabin Co. While not an official location of it's own, it is the new face of the combined and growing number destinations and experiences we have to offer. The second conclusion was that our lodging themes should be improved to offer a more interesting guest experience, even if all they are doing is coming in foe a night or a weekend to do nothing more than relax.

The White River Fishing Expedition

Since Rainbow Haven Resort was our most recent acquisition and has had no real upgrades for years, we decided to commit to a themed upgrade which began in the winter. We took the oldest and most "tired" room of the property and gutted it in order to make way for some improvements. Those improvements included the addition of a large jetted tub for two along with improving the visual experience with a cross between "Steam Punk" and "River Expedition" furnishings. The whole thing was then "antiqued" back to a 30's - 40's look. The room has been modernized with little details such as convenient outlets for phone and ipad chargers and individual light switches on both sides of the bed. The exterior will begin it's transformation this fall to bring a more private setting to the deck and the nostalgic "throw-back" fishing resort look to the outside of the unit.

More Boats

Another of the changes we have made this year was to increase the number and styles of boats we offer at the marina. Joining the fleet of Pontoon Boats and Utility Bass Boats are four brand new Jon Boats. We purchased two 12' Jon's with 2.5hp tiller steer motors and two 14' Jon's with 5hp tiller steer motors. These are economy options for getting on the lake to those hot spots beyond the reach of shore. You can see the pricing of the Boat Rental Page at our website. This addition gives our customers a full range of boating options for Lake Taneycomo including a variety of Kayaks.

Other Fun Stuff

Last year's addition of the Tackle Shop has expanded as well. What started as a typical resort based "Bait and Tackle" is growing into something bigger. Our frustration with the selection of trout related tackle available to us resulted in the formation of a "Tackle Distribution" business. We are now wholesale suppliers of tackle to other shops and resorts in the area. This is something we are just getting started so it has a lot of room for growth, but as of now, we can offer a larger selection of trout fishing products than has been available.

Another addition this year has been the Base Camp gifts and apparel. (also available at Rainbow Haven Gifts)
Like the wholesale tackle business, the gifts and apparel is in the very early stages of development. We currently have a half dozen T-shirt and Hoodie designs, (not all loaded on the websites yet) with more designs in the works. The gift items include a variety of mugs, hats, keychains, magnets and other items to take home with you as a souvenir of your stay with us. The selection of gifts also includes an assortment of Rockaway Beach items for all those who are looking for something specific to the town itself.

Finally...…...COFFEE! A couple years ago, we stumble upon a custom coffee roaster that had some amazing roast and blends of coffee. We wanted to add this last year but was just too busy to get it done. This year we finally made time to get it all set up, and in the Spring, we introduced our Base Camp "Lost" coffee. To be exact, we have "Lost on the Lake" a smooth blend that I like in the evenings. "Lost up the Creek" which is a medium roast Colombian coffee, "Lost in the Woods" which is our morning, wake up coffee, perfect for drinking out on the deck when the sun is coming up. The final option, and what seems to be everyone's favorite is "Lost on the Trail" which is a Guatemala coffee that is rich and flavorful. However, if you are one of those who enjoy being "Lost in the Fog", we have our Guatemala coffee in a decaf version.

On the surface, it doesn't look much different than before, but an astounding amount of things have happened this summer. While I'm not ready for the seasonal slow-down that is coming, I am looking forward to having time to tie up loose ends, and continue the expansion and improvements prior to the beginning of next year's busy season.

As I close this, I would like to leave you with the gift of an amazing photo that one of our guests captured this summer early in the morning out on the lake.

I would also like to extend an invitation for you to come and be a part of our "Base Camp Family". We offer just about anything you might be interested in for your stay. Basic Fishing cabins are still the Rainbow Haven Resort experience. We have some beautifully renovated cabins at Cross Timbers Cabins for a bit more of a polished, yet rustic experience. Our Fisherman's Hide Out is going to be undergoing a transformation of sorts over the coming year but is not currently available for guests.  For the "Adventuresome Spirits" we also offer Treehouse Cabins at our Branson Treehouse Adventures location.

Call 417-234-4394 for information or to schedule your reservation with us. We would love to...…...

See You at the Dock!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Saving of the Rock Buoy

The Buoy Rescue

The Springtime came, the Springtime went
The river's energy, completely spent
Twas the flood of twenty seventeen
The rockpile's buoy anchor rent

The buoy's task is very clear
To keep the boats from coming near
Now positioned down the lake
The rocky danger was unclear

To the rescue, three men came
Martin, Craig and Tom by name
The three were fearless, brave and true
They were not there to play a game

With motor boat and ropes and hooks
This was an effort for the books
An awkward struggle did ensue
That drew a crowd of cautious looks

The ropes were tangled in the trees
We thought that this would be a breeze
The boat was hardly any help
The struggle made us gasp and wheeze

Tom was hanging off the boat
Craig was pulling on the float
The trolling motor then turned on
Going home would get my vote

By now we'd put on quite  show
The island crowd......They let us know
All were wet and muddy too
We finally had the buoy in tow

Back upstream to guard it's post
The rocks reclaimed their watchful host
Warning those who all go near
Here's the place you watch for most

Our story finished, the saga done
We thought at first it might be fun
Our effort epic, t'was quite a feat
Our cuts and our bruises are second to none!

Not too sure that I'll do that again (move the buoy or write poetry) but both were an experience!

See You at the Dock!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Point of Not Catching Fish

A couple days ago I had a BRILLIANT revelation. It had to do with "not catching fish". Obviously the point of going on a fishing trip is to catch fish. Even if the point of the trip is being on vacation but fishing is part of the plan, you still want to catch a few. Throughout the summer, we've hosted hundreds of groups, families and fishermen alike. Guess what occasionally happens........No Fish!

I'm probably as much or more disappointed when that happens than our guests seem to be. When you live at a lake and run a lake resort, you want your guests to catch fish when they go out to catch fish!

Alas......It doesn't always work that way. BUT, while I was sitting on the deck of our office the other day after some guests had a tough day trying to fish, it hit me! This day, the fishing was bad, but coming up from the pool was laughter, splashing of water, squirt gun fights, story telling, more laughter and so on. Then I noticed the group out by the fire pit tossing bean bags, laughing and taunting each other. Then the fire pit itself had a circle of friends exchanging stories and experiences along with more laughter.

........... Then the revelation!

I remember my own experiences on vacation and not catching fish. You know what I remember most? It wasn't the "not catching fish" part. I remember the fun of being on vacation. I remember the cabins, the cook-outs, the campfires, the games, the pool, the fish when we caught them, the magic of sitting out at evening, card games in the cabin when it was raining outside. I don't really remember all the times we didn't catch fish. I don't remember watching TV. In fact, I don't remember if any of the cabins even had TV.

As I though about this I realized that all of the good memories far out-weighed the "not catching fish" memories. It's not just a "consolation prize" when the fishing doesn't work out. It's the reality of thinking back 40 plus years and honestly not really remembering the disappointment of not catching fish.

Catching fish is great, but the other stuff is pretty good too. And sticks with you just as long!

Come and see us sometime. Do some fishing, do some boating, sit by a fire, jump in the pool, eat some barbecue, EAT SOME S'MORES, throw a water balloon at an unsuspecting family member, laugh and tell stories! You will take home memories that last a lifetime. You may even take home some fishing pictures and stories. But whatever you do, take home GREAT memories!

When you get ready to start making your next batch of lake resort memories, Give us a call to book in a room or cabin at Rainbow Haven Resort or Cross Timbers Cabins at 417-234-4394 or 417-561-4179

ALSO.....Don't forget to subscribe to our updates and specials on the right side of this page!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Evening at the Dock

I think that I've been very negligent in bringing awareness to the amazing fishing on Lake Taneycomo. This lake is the "Little Brother" in the chain of Lakes that make up the White River system in Southwest Missouri. It's 22 miles long which makes it the shortest lake by far and It has the oldest dam holding it back than any others on the system. This gives the lake a "river" feel and look, even though it is a reservoir. It also has something that a typical lake does not, which is a noticeable current however slight it may be most of the time. What all does that mean exactly??? What it means is that it's a PERFECT combination for fishing. And notice that I didn't restrict the "fishing" to just trout fishing.

Lake Taneycomo was the first "Lake" produced by a dam on the White River over 100 years ago. It was followed by the "Big 3" which is Table Rock, Beaver and Bull Shoals. Technically, everything that ever swam in the White River is still in the White River system including Bass, Crappie, Walleye, Catfish and every other native species present in all of the lakes in the region. However, the creation of Table Rock Dam added an element particularly suitable for trout and that was colder water. Now, Lake Taneycomo is very well know for being a world class trout fishery.

BUT...........Enough of the history!

On to the FISH........ Our Rainbow Haven Resort and Cross Timbers Cabins housekeepers, Tom and Janice, sneak away whenever they can and do a little fishing. Just last night, they journeyed up the lake about a half mile to the twin islands to give it a go! About 2 hours later they returned with their catch for the night which included some very respectable Rainbows! Yes, these are the actual ones and not just a spare photo floating around in my pic folders on the computer. As you can tell from the look on Janice's face, they had a fulfilling evening at the lake that culminated with a stop at the fish cleaning station at the Dock!

When YOU decide you're ready to take on "Lake T".......Make sure you give us a call. We offer two different resort experiences. We have boat and kayak rentals for the adventurous. We have a nicely outfitted tackle shop, boat slips which are no charge to our guests, a public boat ramp just past our parking lot, a public fishing island and floating fishing dock just a minute's walk away.

You don't have to go far from here to get to the best that Taneycomo has to offer!

See You at the Dock!

OOOHHHHHHHHH..........And DON'T forget to subscribe to our  News, Updates and SPECIAL DEALS on the subscribe form to the right!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Morning at the Dock

It's August 2nd and even though there are plenty of things to do around the resorts, a little fishing seemed the right way to start the day. No, I didn't end up with a stringer of fish this morning. What I did end up with was several pictures of the sunrise and several greetings from fishermen passing by in their boats on the way to ply the waters for fish. (Is "ply" the right word?) I looked it up.....It means to "work diligently". I suppose it is the right word.

There were plenty of fish at the dock this morning. They made their presence known all around as they broke the surface, presumably feeding on something too small for my eyes to detect. My bobber dipped beneath the surface a time or two but appeared to be nothing more than a "taste test" in the fish world.

Morning at the Dock.... I probably need to spend more time there!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Origins of Our Resort Business

I've been meaning to write this post for a LONG time but could not find the right pictures to go with it. It's a visual image of the seeds of the resort business that we ultimately ended up pursuing and enjoying so much. I suppose before you get too deep into this story, you should read my "Tombstones and Pine Cabins" story.

These pictures were taken decades ago and were the inspiration for the Tombstone story. It was cabins just like these that we vacationed at each year along with family friends. We traveled north to Minnesota and south to Missouri. ALL exotic destinations in the eyes of a bunch of kids ranging from 6 to 10 years old.

The memories made during these summer fishing trip get-away's have now stuck with me for 50 years. As kids, we seldom fished much. Our entertainment was playing in the sand, playing in the water, chasing garter snakes and getting sunburned. Of course we would also partake in the picture taking with the fish caught by the adults. In the "Tombstone" story, I relate how the memories of these trips were triggered by the smell of a Tombstone Pizza cooking in our oven years later when our own kids were about the size we were in these pictures. As we rekindled the tradition of visiting the lakes for our family summer vacation, my memories had the opportunity to be "re-lived" in watching my kids play in the sand and the water and get their own sunburns.

I don't remember my kids chasing snakes but I do remember them following a set of bear tracks from the sand behind one of our cabins, to the picnic table top and then towards the woods. I'm afraid I had to draw the line for them when it came to tracking down black bears. A few years later when they became adults, we trekked a camper caravan up to the Boundary Waters of N. Minnesota where they experienced another bear encounter that started with a bear invading one of their coolers and ended with him finishing off the left-overs of a birthday cake down on a picnic table by the lake.

Does this add up to Memories?   You bet it does!

I can't think of a better way to create memories that are shared for years around campfires and picnic tables than those created at a cabin by a lake. Even today, those 4 kids in the picture (5 all together. I'm not sure where the other one went) cross paths occasionally. Guess what stories come up? That's right.....sand, water, chasing garter snakes, sunburns and tombstone pizzas!

Of course there are other stories too that are retold and recounted around the campfire of a treehouse resort or a trout lake. Some of the players are now gone and have become gentle memories themselves, others are still alive and well and STILL...... get a twinkle in the eye and a grin on the face when the old resort stories start up!

With all of that rich history and nostalgia, who could resist climbing into the saddle (or boat seat) of the resort business? My GREATEST source of satisfaction is watching families create memories in a setting that I had something to do with creating.

Here's to My parents Ray and Mary, my sister Robin, Our family's dear friends Ray and Eve, their kids Tammy, Todd and Tanya. for being a part of the experience YEARS ago. And Here's to our own kids Mandy, Adreane, Caleb and their spouses for continuing the memories into the next generation!

See You at the Lake!

Life at the Dock

"The Dock" only makes up a small part of life in a resort. Somehow it seems to be a significant part. I suppose it represents the things you would expect from a lake resort. Water, boats and the many fish hanging from stringers being shown off to friends and family back home via texts and facebook.

"The Dock" carries a mystical aroma of fish, lake water and outboard motor gas (which is kind of going away with the newer four stroke motors) but nevertheless, it all conjures up images of lake life. With me, you can throw in the smell of some hot coffee with everything else.

Here on Lake Taneycomo in SW Missouri, water is fed into the lake from the lower reaches of Table Rock Lake. It comes through the dam's power plant and into Taneycomo at about 54 degrees. Many times, power generation begins in the afternoon which brings a slow moving fog bank past the Rainbow Haven Resort. It also brings with it the natural air conditioning we've come to expect every day.

We have guests that treat this place like their second home. That suites us just fine. We feel like they are our second family. I suppose that's another part of what makes the resort life so interesting from an owners point of view. We get to experience several "Family Reunions" through the course of each summer. (complete with Family style Pot Luck meals) The best part is that we are considered part of their family.

Rainbow Haven Resort is not "Special" any more than any other resort is "special" to it's guests. What makes it "Special" are the people who love it here. The ones who are at the dock at six in the morning getting their gear and boats ready for a day on the lake. They are the ones who are cooking enough food to feed a small army out on the deck where they can shout greetings back and forth to each other. They are the ones who hate seeing the last day arrive and carry their luggage to the vehicles with regret that it couldn't last another day or two.

I'm not sure that everyone who visits fits the description of our family of guests. Some simply arrive, go about their business of vacationing and then leave. And....there is nothing wrong with that. I am thrilled when they have a great time doing what they do. There is just a special place for those who have chosen to become "Family".

You all know who you are!

When you are ready to "Join the Family", give us a call.

Rainbow Haven Resort
Cross Timbers Cabins
